Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Hmm so yesterday was a pretty bad day for me. I was supposed to go to an interview (The Lite Choice icecream store). However when I got to the subway, my unlimited week metro expireddd.. What angered me most was that my mom said that it still worked... I was beyond furious. They called me around 1:30 and asked if I was still going to go. I said no. What a good chance i miss. I could have been hired and working right now !!! :( really really sad. Then this morning something unfortunate happened again. My computer wouldn't turn on!! I really thought it was the end for my computer and that I'd really have to buy a new one again. Thankfully around 9pm it finally turned on ! :) It was really a power problem. I realized that I really can't live without a computer. You might as well tell me to go die instead ! Thank goodness god realizes that and decided to let my computer work. Hahaha. Once I do get a job, I'm going to save up money so I can buy a MSI notebook. Its tiny and has a lot of gb ! annnnnddd its PINK!!!!