Saturday, March 28, 2009

A boring day at home

Hey guys. Today is a saturday and the weather outside is absolutely wonderful. I was supposed to go out and get a haircut but Im still home. It's so boring home. Currently watching E.U and listening to This song by 2AM. As of right now, I wish I could go shopping but I dont have any money right now. It would be great if I walked outside of home and found 1000$ on the floor ^.^

So tonight is Oaks birthday. He's holding a party... but i'm not sure if i should go because there's a certain people who i dont want to see... sigh...

I never thought things would turn out like this. It's like one minute, everything seems so right. You'd never think it'd ever go wrong. Truth is, things just happen, especially when you least expect it. Life is so full of bullshit.
I'm so tired... I just want to go to sleep and stay asleep forever. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately.Wondering when I'll ever be happy again... I just wish things would go back to the way it was before.

Stop playing around with my head God :[

Well, tomorrow i'll be going to church :) Well bye bye for now.