Saturday, April 4, 2009


Okay so that stupid little stick figure is supposed to be dancing... but I guess it's not so whatever. Anyways, today is a saturday. A very boring boring saturday. There's nothing to do. Everyone's dead. Waaa.. If only I was 18. I'd have my own apartment, my own job, and my own car. Wouldn't that be great. I'd at least be able to drive to Barnes and Nobles to buy a frikken book. I'd be able to go to Starbucks just to buy drink. I'd be able to waste gas driving around Manhatten. I'd be able to shop whenever I wanted to and spend as much as I want ( well of course not or else i'd be broke ass hell and not be able to pay the rent). Im sure everyone has once thought about their future and how it would be like. Like where would you live? Who would you be married to? What kind of job would you have? Yea... I think of that a lot when I'm bored. Anyway I wish i had something to do right now. Im so dam bored its driving me nuts. There's no one to talk on aim either. waaa im such a loner :[


Unknown said...

it's ok *patpat*