Sunday, July 12, 2009


Not sure if I spelled it correctly. Anyway, I'm such an insomniac it's not even funny. Nowadays i've been sleeping at 5am.. sometimes even later until 3 in the afternoon. Every time my schedule goes regular, it always seem to fuck up on its own again. I blame the computer.. . . and the afternoon naps. I don't know about you, but I just love taking naps. I find naps more pleasant then actually sleeping at night. Naps are addicting. It's hard to control. It's like after you come home from a long day at school, you just want to jump into your wonderful bed and nap like you've never napped before. The dreadful thing is waking up 4 hours later and staying on your computer till 2am and then sleeping. That's when your schedule starts to fuck up. damn it I really hate this. I don't like waking up late in the afternoon and everyone is like outside and i'm stuck inside the house while its sooo beautiful outside. I need help. Anyway, I've finally finished filling out my starbucks application and I plan on giving it in on.. monday? I filled out 3 to give it to three different starbucks:) Hopefully they hire me. This is really been stressing me.

I've also went on the east west website a few moments ago and saw the new pictures of the people who went to japan. I'm glad they're having fun. I wish I was there having fun with them. That reminds me.. I'm so excited for our college trip next year !!!! omg !!! I'm gonna become a SENIOR!! It's so surreal to me. It seems like yesterday I was just a little kindergartener... playing with the fake stoves jumping around laughing ...taking naps....waiting for mommy to pick me up.

I just love reminiscing.. but sometimes it makes me sad. I miss the old me very much. That innocent ammy =(

Well I'm currently watching Confessions of a Shopaholic. It's pretty good :) Going to sleep after it.
