Friday, May 8, 2009

my whole day... RUINED

I'm very angry at this very instance. I'm so close to blowing some bitches heads off. Who the fuck they think they are? They have no fucking right to say anything when they are sluts themselves. They are nothing but garbage thats being handed around. Fucking bitches that's been around every fucking block. DAMN MOTHER FUCKERS. WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO Me. I didnt do anything but just stand there and suddenly I get involved. Shit i want to get a mother fucking bazooka and bomb those bitches up. FUCK YOOO!! Right now I need a punching bag!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK FUCK FUKK!!!!!!!!!!!

*btw why the fuck did i keep seeing samuel and them... i even saw them in ec -_-

And I saw zhang and gary...

wtf..................... What day is today? Friday 13? shit yo -_- I really need a chillpill.

As of now, I just want to know who my real friends are. [Jody of course<3]