Saturday, May 30, 2009

Justice needs to be served

I've never really cared about justice till after the margaret stuff. Boy I tell you that girl seriously gets on my nerves. Well a reallly nice lady cop called me today and told me that I needed to finish filling out the report because the lady there didnt do a good job. I also told her about what ms choi said and she said that what ms choi said was wrong. And that she was a bitch. DAMN RIGHT she is !! ughh!! Anywys, I waited for 3 hours and the cops didnt come so i decided to go out and get a manicure. I really like the peope who work at the nail salon. They are really nice :). While I was drying my nails, one of the customers who was phillipino spoke to me and we had a little conversation. Then she introduced me to her
brother because he wanted to speak to me lmao.. how weird.. After that I went to sally beauty supply store to buy hair --conditioner and some nail filers...o.o.. So today i was supposed to go to chemistry tutoring but sadly I woke up at 1:5opm =[. Tomorrow is movie day ! Can't wait to go watch UP. The ratings are unbelievably high. All A's! Todays weather was beautiful. Let's hope everyday is beautiful like today. It really brightens up my mood :)