Monday, May 4, 2009

Very soggy wet day.

Hello again guys ! I know I've already updated this morning.. but i feel like i have so much to write about. First off... guess who I saw again at the bus stop... THE CRAZY DUDE! I frikken knew it! Im such a jinx. This time.. as he walked closer to me, I gave a call to Jody, but too bad she didnt pick up because she thought I had called by accident and she didn't want to waste my minutes. Then LUCKILY, the bus came! HALLALUAH! So the chemistry mock regents wasn't as hard as i expected, but i still think I failed. During lunch, Samuel came to our table. He's so cute! One of my friends told me that he said I was cute . Awww.. what a loser.. doesn't even have the courage to come talk to me. Afterschool we walked with them and he kept flicking water at me and calling me short >:O! im not that short okay !!! So after we departed, i went with dominique to her clinic to get her note so she could participate in gym again. Horrible weather. My flats were soaked. I felt like I was walking barefoot on the wet wet soggy ground. It was so humid and disgusting. I hate rainy days so much -_-. Right when I got home, i threw those flats out. yuck. hmm so hungry . Ive been so lazy lately.Too lazy to do homework and stuff. Crap I also have a history test tomorrow. OH my oh my... and a health project thats due this friday.... anddddddd.... ii have to edit a lot of stuff. AHHHHHH 5 more weeks left of school. When I think of this, a burst of joy just bursts out of my heart !!! Time to eat and watch my drama and finish up some homework! I can't wait to see him tomorrow yay !! ^______^