Tuesday, June 2, 2009

SKipped school today.

Here I am typing on my blog. I decided not to go to school today. Why?Because I felt like it. I'm so tired of going. There's no one worth going to see. It's not like I want to see ms choi's face. Her face angers me. I hate her guts x10000. She makes my life hell. -____- And as for Samuel, I don't want to see him either. He can touch Rina's thighs all he wants. I hate people like that. Tells me they like me and then go behind my back doing stuff like that and denying it when you ask him. I wonder if next year will be better? of course it will because next year is the year that I will be graduating. I won't have to see these people ! But I do admit I have some godamn good friends. Jody, Fay(even though I haven't known her for a long time), Nicholas, Sujeong, Dominique, Fiona, Patrick, Amanda. I love you all ! :D You guys have always been there for me. Without you guys, I wouldn't exist !