Saturday, June 20, 2009

Weird but fun day

Today was a very interesting day. I woke up at 7 something Am to get the student metro from anna... went to sleep for like 20 minutes. Got ready and met my bebe in front of the school. Then Bebe, me, sam, alvin, and wei went to sams house for a bit so they could fix their hair >.>.... And after we took the train to chinatown. Stopped at elizabeth center first then walked to vivi to get a drink. Then tehy went to HK station to eat. Later I met up with jody, fay, anney, and fay's friend at ec. :]

Our relationship is growing stronger :) We linked arms for the first time today yay us!
ahhi like my bebe very much.
After I departed with them, jody and fay and i walked to seaport. Then my bebe aimed me and said he wanted to meet me up at seaport :) SO he got there and we went to watch these 2 contortionists perform. It was very cool! It was a shame that not many people clapped

well samuel and i went back to ct and i met up with anney. lalala

anney , martin, and i then went to viet rest to eat and went to grand park tos it for a second. After that we took the train to queens. It was so funnnn. I have really cool friends :)

Anney went to my house and we had sooo much fun. I did her hair. We went outside and she pushed me on the shopping cart. ahh :}

meeting sj tomorrow. Can't wait :)